Archive for May, 2014

Managing Property Is Harder Than You Think

Did you know that 25-28% of homes are bought as rentals? That’s huge!

If you’ve ever managed your own property, you know about the difficult challenges you can face–rent not paid on time, property not kept up, middle of the night emergencies, etc.

Here’s how Brent Morris and Real Property Management of the Triad can help you manage your property and keep your sanity:

  • Conduct tenant background checks
  • Perform maintenance
  • Collect rent
  • Manage day-to-day responsibilities
  • Carry all necessary insurance
  • Handle eviction, court proceedings
  • Coordinate advertising, marketing, and show property
  • Prepare property for new tenant

Contact Brent Morris today to outsource your landlord responsibilities. You’ll be glad you did.

What property nightmares have you experienced?


How a Good Writer Helps Deliver Your Message

Do you get frustrated when you have to write for your business?

Do you feel like hiding when you have to put pen to paper?

Precise Creative can manage all of your writing and editing needs–all while getting your message noticed and creating customer incentive to buy in to your message. Here’s how…

  • Refine language – Remove redundancy, wordiness, extra prepositional phrases, etc. (a.k.a. Helps you deliver your message!)
  • Use power words– Eliminate weak verbs, forms of ‘to be,’ helping verbs, gerunds, etc.
  • Clarify your message – What does your customer need? Want? Dream? Hope? Desire? Then give it to them.
  • Create buy-in – Create incentives, a connection with your business, and help them feel good about the message they’re about to receive
  • Appeal to emotions – Trigger to purchase, call, subscribe—whatever you want them to do

Nikki Corbett can help these businesses (and many more) with brochures, rack cards, fliers, business cards, articles, website copy, video narratives, social media management, and much more:

  • Nonprofits
  • New businesses, Startups
  • Advertising/Marketing Firms
  • PR Agencies
  • Businesses that need a marketing boost
  • Businesses that don’t have time to do their own Social Media

What are your pains when it comes to writing?

Does Your Real Estate Attorney Travel to Your Location?

by Charmaine Blount

Your traveling Real Estate Attorney, Christie Bynum of the Bynum Law Firm does. Not only that, but you get a FREE $50 gas card if your conventional loan doesn’t close in 45 days! They also guarantee a 60-day closing for FHA loans.

Christie takes the hassle out of real estate closings by providing convenience for her clients.


As a traveling Real Estate Attorney, Christie provides the following professional services to every client:

1. Ensures that you obtain a clear title

2. Addresses current changes within the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA)

3. Provides knowledge so you fully understand the completed transaction

4. Furnishes reputable resources for other services you may need for your closing

5. Communicates with lender for a reasonable time line for your loan approval

6. Builds meaningful relationships through dedication and trust


Contact Christie Bynum to find out how she can hep you today!


What services do you want from  your real estate attorney?

What Is Functional Medicine?

  • by Terri Hawkins

    Although Dr. Draper provides Chiropractic treatment to care for many of his patients’ spine-related pain, he is unique in his use of an integrated Functional Medicine approach to determine the underlying causes of pain and symptoms related to many diseases. At Advance Wellness, he uses a variety of therapies to treat the whole person, including nutritional supplements, detox foot baths, and cold laser treatments, to improve health and healing.

    Ask Dr. Draper about the amazing testimonials from his patients—who were not improving in the long-term care of traditional drug-based treatments—and their amazing healing or overall improvements to their lives. Some examples of good referrals is anyone who is pre-diabetic or has Type II Diabetes, has Fibromyalgia, Carpal Tunnel, Thyroid issues, Autoimmune conditions, pain in their lower back or neck, or even someone who wants to lose weight.


    4 Fun Tips for Staying Healthy (keeping you in a healthy parasympathetic mode)
    1. Laugh.
    2. Spend time with your family.
    3. Rest well…take naps.
    4. End your day well!


    If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, make an appointment with Dr. Draper!


    Are traditional doctors getting at the root cause of your problems, or just treating symptoms?

Need a Handyman for the Projects in Your Home?

  • by Terri Hawkins

    If you or your “honey” don’t have the time or skills to handle the growing list of repairs in your home, or you are a real estate agent with a punch list to complete, call Joel Hampson of Complete Home Services to make your life easier. Joel’s personal attention to you and your home, and his one-stop approach to providing a complete range of large and small repairs saves you both time and money.

    Joel has a wide range of experience:

    • Repairs for floors, cabinets, shutters, and decks
    • Installing light fixtures, hanging pictures, curtains, and decor
    • Custom storage
    • Tile work
    • Kitchen remodels
    • Bath remodels
    • Home theater installations
    • And lots more!

     Introduce Joel to any homeowner or real estate agent you know to help make their lives easier!


    What could you do with your time if Joel took care of your home needs?